Monday 1 September 2014

Year 11

We will be studying a play entitled An Inspector Calls this term as well as producing some narrative writing.  

On this blog you will find pages of information that are useful for your learning, homework and revision. 

Homework will be set approximately oncer per fortnight - although there may be times when you will need to do one a week for a few weeks - but then I will give you a few weeks break!  You will usually have a week to complete it but if there is no school on Wednesday - for example if it is an INSET day - there will be no homework collected that week.  Please read the separate advice page about homework as following these guidelines will make sure that you do not fall behind with your work. If, for any reason, you cannot hand your homework in on time, then you will be required to complete it during the lunchtime catch up session on the day that it is due in.

Wednesday 10th September
This week your homework will be to complete your reading timeline.  You have an A3 sheet like the one below.

Your task is to fill it in.  You can find pictures of your favourite books online and then write a brief paragraph for each one explaining why that book was important to you.  All the books in the example below are fiction (stories) but you can use non-fiction (information books) as well.

A completed reading timeline.

More examples of completed reading timelines can be seen here and here.

In class (17th September) you will be redrafting this into your book so you might decide to collect pictures but not stick them onto the template.  If you cannot print out pictures save at the correct size and email them to me before the end of school on Tuesday 16th September so that I can print them in time for the lesson.

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