Monday 1 September 2014

Year 9

Welcome back everyone. 
This term we are going to be reading a novel by Mildred D Taylor entitled, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.  If you miss work because you are absent from lesson then all you need to do is look on this blog and you'll find a summary of what you missed so you can catch up.

Homework will be set and due every Monday. You will usually have a week to complete it but if there is no school on Monday - for example if it is a bank holiday - there will be no homework collected that week.  Please read the separate advice page about homework as following these guidelines will make sure that you do not fall behind with your work. If, for any reason, you cannot hand your homework in on time, then you can complete it during the lunch break on the day that it is due in.

Monday 8th September:
1. Read pages 5-8 of the reading guide to Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Click here to access the reading guide.  Make a list in the back of your English book of things that you find interesting or important about Mildred D Taylor.

2. You have left the first page of your new English book blank.  You can use this to design a cover page for your work on this novel. 
Your cover page must include:
  • The title of the book
  • The name of the author
  • Coloured pictures (use pencil crayons please) related to the themes or characters of the novel.

Monday 15th September:
1.  Read pages 9-11 of the reading guide.  Click here to access the reading guide. 

2.  Answer the questions about chapter 1 on page 12 of the reading guide.  You will need to write in sentences in your exercise book.  Use the title 'Chapter 1', write the date and underline both with a ruler before you begin. 

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